lunes, 14 de enero de 2013

                La Justicia

La justicia es aquel conjunto de normas y reglas que permiten regular las conductas entre las personas, permitiendo, avalando, prohibiendo y limitando ciertas conductas o acciones en el actuar humano o con las instituciones, sin embargo, es a partir de las ciencias del derecho, que resulta bastante complejo lograr una definición única en torno a este concepto, ya que esta depende de múltiples factores, además, existen tantas definiciones como autores, ya que la justicia depende de un contexto en particular, donde se desarrollan experiencias, circunstancias y situaciones bastante diversas, sin embargo, cada una de estas definiciones hace que salgan a la luz valores como la libertad, la verdad, la paz y la democracia.
El problema en torno a la justicia es algo que se ha encontrado presente a lo largo de toda la historia, de este modo, el mismo Aristóteles ya intentaba definirme  dividiéndola en lo llamado Ley Particular, o ley de la polis, y la Ley Común, aquella que esta presente en la naturaleza.

La justicia no solo hace referencia al conjunto de normas impuestas a una sociedad, sino que implica también la equidad entre sus miembros, estableciendo así, por ejemplo, la apariencia (haber reconocido a un derecho-habiente  o pertenencia en términos populares) por derecho de ciertas cosas. Como vemos se trata de un concepto que implica equidad, pero por sobre todo, ética.

Como se mencionaba anteriormente, la justicia y “lo justo” varía de persona a persona, lo que permite que, en la vida cotidiana, existan diferencias entre aquello que un padre y un hijo consideren justo en torno a determinada situación. Lo mismo sucede con los sistemas judiciales presentes en cada Estado o nación en particular, donde no todos los ciudadanos se encuentran de acuerdo con los dictámenes de los jueces ante ciertas situaciones de conflicto, sobretodo, cuando la resolución, en lo personal, no nos favorece e implica, en algunos casos, incluso, el pago de multas o la privación de la libertad. 

jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

The whale:

 Whales are mammals with a body adapted to marine life. They are viviparous, nurse their young, hot blood, and with the need to breathe air, but can stay underwater up to 40 minutes. When you breathe, breath out through your nose, located at the top of the head forming a kind of jet upwards. Your body is elongated with a tail which fins adopt a horizontal position (as opposed to the fish). His head is broad and flattened, with a huge mouth provided with beards. Their beards whose function filtering food, letting the water and retaining only the food. The mysticetos present in the mouth instead of teeth, corneal folds called baleen whales.

  Has calf every two years and six months breastfeeding, and it seeks to temperate zones. It has a single calf, in rare cases, two. Its length is about seven meters at birth. Are considered adults at 4 or 5 years. They live in groups, in cold areas, and in winters seek warmer waters.
 They feed on small fish and plankton organisms.
 Are large, and is one of the largest animal in the world.
The southern right whale is between 12 and 16 meters. It's slow, weighs about 50 tons, lies motionless on the surface. He approaches the coast. It is within the group of baleen whales mysticetos or, no dorsal fin, has a robust body and his head is covered with white calluses, which can be inhabited by small crustaceans. They are solitary, like most whales that make their family and they can see between autumn and spring in Valdes Peninsula (Chubut Province, Argentina), where they come to mate and raise their pups. (They arrive there about 600 individuals of the 4,000 right whales that are thought to exist).

Since 1992, the Foundation Cethus conducted studies on the impact of tourism and the seagulls on the species. Honorary member of the Committee Cethus "Natural Monument Southern Right Whale" that contributes to the conservation of this species.

 The southern right whale was declared a Natural Monument by Law 23,094, and its current population, distributed in all oceans of the southern hemisphere temperate and sub-Antarctic waters no more than 4000 individuals.

 This whale has a calf every three years, with the age at maturity between 7 and 17 years. Females reach a length of 13 meters sexual maturity, this being lower for males. Calves at birth are about 5 meters, and weighs about 3 tonnes. Gestation lasts 12 months and the calf is nursed for two years.

Currently you can make the right whale watching in Puerto Pyramid, from May to December in boats.

The greatest danger facing is hunting by whalers pirates.



Source: "Learn more" N º 50-1992

 After seven-year ban on whaling, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) recently reported that some populations of great whales are recovering (sperm, minke and rocual dwarf or gray whales), while other species are at serious risk of survival (sei sei whales or, frankly, Greenland, blue humpback yy).

 The following figures give no total populations, as they correspond to only a few "areas surveyed with statistical certainty", as defined by the IWC Scientific Committee:

Minke whale (Minke whale) 800,000

Fin whale (whale fin) 76000

Sei whales (Sei whale) 10,300

21,000 gray whales

7500 bowhead whale

 As for other species that were persecuted by the whalers (blue, Bryde, Humpback, and Sperm franca), only have estimates of population:

Bryde 120,000

Blue 7000

Yubarta 5500

Franca 1000

1,000,000 Cachalote

 The CBI issued a ballpark figure of long finned pilot whales, corresponding to the central and eastern North Atlantic, where this species is hunted in bulk:

Calderones 780,000

 Of the two species of whales (also known as "pilot whales"), there would be an estimated total population of over 2 million copies.


Horses are so incredible, noble and beautiful that it is impossible not passionate about them.


Cracteristics of horses

It is essential for a pleasant relationship with the horse, understanding their behavior and sounds.

You read that horses are brutally shy, but very brave in war or in sports. The vision of the horses is close and in monochrome (gray) opposing it to their attention that may lead to events so far that humans can not see except with binoculars.

The horses tend to get along in pairs but bad when it comes to groups of three of the same sex - in this sense they are like children! For a horse to be happy and be healthy, you need to exercise every day, having the company of humans and / or other horses, have a clean barn to rest and have a balanced diet.

The horses are unfortunately stupid regarding the dog, the cat and the pig, which have larger brains, but finds his way back home in the dark and many miles of uncharted and difficult.

Horses respond to our tone of voice and words with extreme precision, recall people and experiences for years; boredom affects you even causing a disease of young adults difference, even from other species, claiming the absence of a friend or shows unfriendly toward people, animals, objects and activities.

These talents coupled with his ability to predict storms and earthquakes, have been suponerles extrasensory perception.

Given this, we see the most important features of the senses possessed by horses:
The senses of horses:
The sense of sight in the horse's sense of smell in horses
The sense of hearing in the horse's sense of taste in horses
The sense of touch in horses
See also related to horses more links:
The World of Horses - The HorseWorld How do I get on the horse and me?
Horse trails Equipment Cleaning
Learning to ride The correct position of the rider
What should I wear? The winds of the horse
Team trip to a horse jumping
Field trips horses Photos
How saddled a horse?

In horses the reproductive stage begins with puberty, at 15 - 24 months in females and 14 to 18 months for males. During his lifetime reproductive cycle fulfill various functions such as development and puberty, courtship and mating, pregnancy and childbirth or abortion.

The estrous cycle depends on photoperiod as females polyestrous mares are seasonal. The estrous cycle lasts 21 days and the female stays in heat for a period of 5 days. Ovulation occurs between 12 and 36 hours after initiation of the heat.

Gestation lasts between 335 and 350 days.

At each of these stages the animals show differences in their behavior and physical state.

The Zeal:
The mare is a female poliestrous seasonal, ie, the mare go into heat (estrus cycles) in the long photoperiod, at dusk and later daylight hours are longer (spring).
During the reproductive period zeal is repeated every 21 days.
The mare has zeal for about 5 days.
Ovulation can occur between 12 and 36 hours into the heat.
Symptoms that indicate the presence of estrus in the mare:
Swelling and redness of the vulvar area.
* Discharge of mucus from the vulva.
* The mare accepts the stallion.
* Separate the hindquarters in male presence.
* Increase in urination incident.
The estrous female attracts males through pheromones in urine and vaginal discharges.
Males on the other hand perform a systematic and elegant courtship that incliye:

* Look at the female in heat so insistent.
* Neighs constantly prolonged and energetic
* Lift the ears
* Try to show greater body volume doubling his neck.
* Open your eyes excessively
* Dilates the nostrils
* March elegantly front of the female
* It is about facing the mare
* Sniffs the nostrils, ears, neck, armpits and groin of the mare
* Licks mare's hindquarters
* Licks and sniffs the genital area of ​​the mare, then stretch the neck and upper lip up showing her teeth (reflecting Flehmen).
* Hit the mare with his chest to reposition
* Nibbles horsehair gently rubs against her.
* The erection of the horse increases as the mare's vulva wink.
* The stallion even more excited when the female tail aside and let the free passage, as this means that the submission is complete, completely eliminating the fear of rejection.
Ensuring that horse's penis is in place during copulation. During erection the penis can reach a length of five feet, copulation is brief. After six or seven movements ejaculation occurs. Y may be evidenced by a movement of the tail up and down, or so-called pumping movement queue flag.


They are mammals of the family Leporidae, usually no larger than 40-50 centimeters, and is no more than 3 kilos of weight, but now are more widespread as pets miniature varieties, which are grown to approximately 20 cms ., and weigh on average 1 Kilo. live about 6-9 years. The wild rabbit lives in forests and fields usually are gray and quite like the hare, is prolific and voracious couple lives in burrows, whereas the domestic rabbit derived above and selected more than 50 varieties with fur and multifarious dimensions. It exploits the aim of utilizing industrially as meat, skin and hair. Among the meat-producing breeds can name the Flanders, Norman, Burgundy and the other, between the skin producing Chinchilla rabbit stands, the Champagne, and the different races of white rabbits, Angora race is the only producer of hair. The domesticated rabbits are quickly, quickly bored, need a lot of exercise and always have something to gnaw Rabbit Ears must move towards small noises, the nose should be in constant motion and whiskers are tactile organs. Their teeth are sharp and constantly grow, their food is grass, tree leaves, carrots and cabbage, shall be given twice a day, also need fresh straw every so often, and food can be mixed with milk or water, its hydrated body through the food you eat, so it almost does not need water. Its wooden cage or metal must be quite large, very clean, have straw on the floor, and not have too much inside as they are large animals and like to look around and move quickly, when you get to your place to watch out for take them to the ears, and the ears of rabbits are very delicate and cartilage
this severely hurt the animal if caught by the ears, as if taken by the skin
or leather, this is a highly sensitive tissue, and is easily released from the inner skin layer,
This also goes for the kits, that these animals were taken from their mothers when they are young
so skin is not firm enough to hold its weight.
Also be careful with cough eyes and legs, then tend to kick with force if they get scared, trying to escape. Rabbits breed very easily, and can have more than 10 offspring, the female rabbit starts soft hairs of your stomach to mount their nest, and keep warm in their little babies.

lecturing students

As man has domesticated as the rabbits so that you can raise as pets, also used for the laboratory experiments and studies genticos, meat consumption and marketing of their skin for clothing.
These animals weigh between 1 and 5 kilos, and measure 30 to 60 centimeters long.
Diseases of rabbits
1. - Expensive in the ears: pequeos eggs that lodge in the ears of rabbits, by accumulation of scabs on them. To remove them you just have to spread a cotton with mineral water or olive oil and wipe the area mentioned. Do it once a day for three days.
2. - Urine red: if this happens to your pet, is that it has a lack of nutrients. Llvalo the vet, the rabbit is sick. Mucus: usually happens when the rabbit respiratory infections or suffer stress. It appears with runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing. Llvalo the vet.

3. - Wounds: A rough or hard daar delicate rabbit legs. These wounds are very difficult to treat.

4. - Watery eyes: Lacrimal covered. Consult your veterinarian for proper treatment

5. - Maloclusin: A defect in rabbit teeth caused by reasons genticas, infectious or traumticas. One of the symptoms is a defect in the bite yprdida of appetite. If you suspect you may have problem ste llvalo the vet.



Rabbits reproduce an extraordinarily easy.
His cras born hairless and with eyes closed.
Rabbits are multparos, ie have many microns per delivery.
Your gestacin rod between 29 and 31 das.

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

                                                ANIMALES DEL BOSQUE

Los animales de bosque, son unas de las criaturas más desconocidas y menos estudiadas del reino animal, quizá esto se deba a su carácter receloso de los hombres.
La mayoría de las especies se han vuelto nocturnas y rara vez se las ve por el día, a parte de que sus sentidos del olfato y oído están muy desarrollados y a la menor sospecha de intromisión desaparecen. pese a todo esto, nosotros sabemos que están ahí, porque muchas son las señales que les delatan, huellas, excrementos, restos de comida y otras. Nuestros antepasados del neolítico aún sabían interpretar estas señales, pero hoy en día, pocas personas somos los que intentamos descifrarlas.
Muchos de nuestros mamíferos han desaparecido de amplias zonas debido al deterioro de su biotopo y a la competencia de animales traídos del extranjero, como el Bisón americano que ha desplazado y acabado con muchos animales autóctonos en las zonas que ha colonizado.
un herbívoro es un animal que se alimenta principalmente de plantas. En la práctica, sin embargo, muchos herbívoros también se alimentan de proteínas animales, como huevos, etc. Los humanos que no comen carne no son considerados herbívoros sino vegetarianos. En la cadena trófica, los herbívoros son los consumidores primarios, mientras que los que se alimentan de carne son consumidores secundarios.
Algunos herbívoros pueden ser clasificados como frugívoros, los cuales comen solamente frutas, y folívoros los que se especializan en comer hojas. Esta especialización se encuentra lejos de ser universal y muchos animales que comen frutas u hojas comen también otras partes de plantas, en particular raíces y semillas. Las dietas de algunos animales herbívoros varían con las estaciones, especialmente en las zonas templadas, donde las fuentes de alimentación disponibles varían en el curso del año.
-Venado                                       -Oso                   -koala
-Ardilla                                         -Conejo
-Hormiga                                      -Iguana
-Mapache                                     -Oruga

                                                                ANIMALES CARNÍVOROS
Un carnívoro (del latín carne y devorare, significando literalmente devorador de carne), es un organismo que obtiene sus energías y requerimientos nutricionales a través de una dieta consistente principalmente o exclusivamente del consumo de animales, ya sea mediante la depredación o consumo de carroña. El término preferido en ecología es zoófago.
Existen adjetivos más específicos para referirse a animales que devoran clases específicas de presas, como en el caso de los animales que comen insectos, se llaman insectívoros o mejor entomófagos, pero dentro de éstos todavía se puede distinguir, por ejemplo, a los comedores de hormigas y termitas, llamándolos mirmecófagos. Los carnívoros se encuentran siempre en posiciones avanzadas de la cadena trófica.

                                                               CARACTERÍSTICAS DE UN   MAMÍFEROS

  • Tienen el cuerpo cubierto de pelo.
  • Las hembras tienen mamas, que segregan la leche para alimentar a sus crías.
  • Tienen labios y dientes. Con los labios succionan la leche materna sin causar daño. Algunas ballenas sustituyen los dientes por unas finas láminas llamadas barbas.
  • Las extremidades están convertidas generalmente en patas, que le sirven para desplazarse. Los mamíferos acuáticos tienen sus extremidades convertidas en aletas; y los mamíferos voladores, como los murciélagos, poseen membranas en sus extremidades anteriores, convertidas en alas, que le sirven para volar.
  • Tienen temperatura constante, es decir, son de sangre caliente: la temperatura de su cuerpo no cambia aunque cambie la exterior. 
  • Respiran por pulmones. Los mamíferos acuáticos tienen que salir a la superficie del agua para tomar el oxígeno del aire.
  • Su circulación es doble y completa.
  • La mayoría son vivíparos.
  • Conejo
  • Mono
  • Zorro
  • Jabali

Escena de bosque con varios animales Foto de archivo - 9864339

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012


Estos mamiferos poseen un largo cráneo de hasta un tercio de la longitud total de su cuerpo, que en estado adulto mide de 15 a 17 metros y pesa de 50 a 80 toneladas.1 Poseen un estrecho y arqueado maxilar, lo que da a estos animales un perfil convexo. Esta forma permite la presencia de largas barbas. Miden de 5 a 25 metros de longitud y a diferencia de los peces, las ballenas tienen la cola dispuesta en un plano horizontal, lo que les facilita la ascensión a la superficie, donde tienen que subir a respirar, aunque pueden aguantar hasta una hora bajo el agua. Tienen dos espiraculos, orificios nasales, situados en la cima de la cabeza, los que expulsan vapor de agua acompañado a menudo de mucosidades. La gestacion dura unos 12 meses y normalmente tienen un único ballenato, que alimentan con una leche especialmente nutritiva. Su esperanza de vida es de unos 30 años. Hacen grandes migraciones desde los mares fríos, donde se alimentan, a los cálidos, donde se aparean y reproducen. Son cosmopolitas y también se encuentran en el mediterraneo.

Ballenas barbadas y ballenas dentadas.

Todas las ballenas son bien, o barbadas o dentadas, y existen un montón de diferencias que las separan. Por supuesto, las ballenas dentadas son las que tienen dientes, mientras que las con barbas no los tienes. Entonces, ¿cómo las ballenas barbadas consumen alimentos? Estas ballenas tienen un sistema de filtrado localizado en la zona de la mandíbula inferior. Ellas pueden pastar a través del agua a bajas velocidades y disfrutar de un montón alimentos en el agua, luego el agua se elimina y se tragan el alimento.

Puede llegar a la conclusión de que las ballenas dentadas mastican su comida, pero esto no es cierto. Las ballenas dentadas se lo tragan todo, usan sus dientes para arrancar trozos de presas demasiado grandes. Esto significa que tienen una ventaja sobre las ballenas barbadas, ya que estas últimas sólo pueden consumir alimentos suficientemente pequeños como para que puedan tragárselo con facilidad. Poseen filas de placas en sus mandíbulas que funcionan como dientes, y que pueden ser una amenaza si es necesario.
Las ballenas dentadas son conocidas también por ser más agresivas hacia los demás, especialmente los machos durante la época de reproduccion. Usan sus fuertes dientes para luchar por el derecho a aparearse con las hembras. Las ballenas dentadas también pueden atacar a los humanos y los barcos, que las convierte en animales peligrosos. Los investigadores creen que atacan como una forma de protección, o por curiosidad.
                                                      BALLENA DENTADA