jueves, 10 de enero de 2013

The whale:

 Whales are mammals with a body adapted to marine life. They are viviparous, nurse their young, hot blood, and with the need to breathe air, but can stay underwater up to 40 minutes. When you breathe, breath out through your nose, located at the top of the head forming a kind of jet upwards. Your body is elongated with a tail which fins adopt a horizontal position (as opposed to the fish). His head is broad and flattened, with a huge mouth provided with beards. Their beards whose function filtering food, letting the water and retaining only the food. The mysticetos present in the mouth instead of teeth, corneal folds called baleen whales.

  Has calf every two years and six months breastfeeding, and it seeks to temperate zones. It has a single calf, in rare cases, two. Its length is about seven meters at birth. Are considered adults at 4 or 5 years. They live in groups, in cold areas, and in winters seek warmer waters.
 They feed on small fish and plankton organisms.
 Are large, and is one of the largest animal in the world.
The southern right whale is between 12 and 16 meters. It's slow, weighs about 50 tons, lies motionless on the surface. He approaches the coast. It is within the group of baleen whales mysticetos or, no dorsal fin, has a robust body and his head is covered with white calluses, which can be inhabited by small crustaceans. They are solitary, like most whales that make their family and they can see between autumn and spring in Valdes Peninsula (Chubut Province, Argentina), where they come to mate and raise their pups. (They arrive there about 600 individuals of the 4,000 right whales that are thought to exist).

Since 1992, the Foundation Cethus conducted studies on the impact of tourism and the seagulls on the species. Honorary member of the Committee Cethus "Natural Monument Southern Right Whale" that contributes to the conservation of this species.

 The southern right whale was declared a Natural Monument by Law 23,094, and its current population, distributed in all oceans of the southern hemisphere temperate and sub-Antarctic waters no more than 4000 individuals.

 This whale has a calf every three years, with the age at maturity between 7 and 17 years. Females reach a length of 13 meters sexual maturity, this being lower for males. Calves at birth are about 5 meters, and weighs about 3 tonnes. Gestation lasts 12 months and the calf is nursed for two years.

Currently you can make the right whale watching in Puerto Pyramid, from May to December in boats.

The greatest danger facing is hunting by whalers pirates.



Source: "Learn more" N º 50-1992

 After seven-year ban on whaling, the International Whaling Commission (IWC) recently reported that some populations of great whales are recovering (sperm, minke and rocual dwarf or gray whales), while other species are at serious risk of survival (sei sei whales or, frankly, Greenland, blue humpback yy).

 The following figures give no total populations, as they correspond to only a few "areas surveyed with statistical certainty", as defined by the IWC Scientific Committee:

Minke whale (Minke whale) 800,000

Fin whale (whale fin) 76000

Sei whales (Sei whale) 10,300

21,000 gray whales

7500 bowhead whale

 As for other species that were persecuted by the whalers (blue, Bryde, Humpback, and Sperm franca), only have estimates of population:

Bryde 120,000

Blue 7000

Yubarta 5500

Franca 1000

1,000,000 Cachalote

 The CBI issued a ballpark figure of long finned pilot whales, corresponding to the central and eastern North Atlantic, where this species is hunted in bulk:

Calderones 780,000

 Of the two species of whales (also known as "pilot whales"), there would be an estimated total population of over 2 million copies.

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