jueves, 10 de enero de 2013


Horses are so incredible, noble and beautiful that it is impossible not passionate about them.


Cracteristics of horses

It is essential for a pleasant relationship with the horse, understanding their behavior and sounds.

You read that horses are brutally shy, but very brave in war or in sports. The vision of the horses is close and in monochrome (gray) opposing it to their attention that may lead to events so far that humans can not see except with binoculars.

The horses tend to get along in pairs but bad when it comes to groups of three of the same sex - in this sense they are like children! For a horse to be happy and be healthy, you need to exercise every day, having the company of humans and / or other horses, have a clean barn to rest and have a balanced diet.

The horses are unfortunately stupid regarding the dog, the cat and the pig, which have larger brains, but finds his way back home in the dark and many miles of uncharted and difficult.

Horses respond to our tone of voice and words with extreme precision, recall people and experiences for years; boredom affects you even causing a disease of young adults difference, even from other species, claiming the absence of a friend or shows unfriendly toward people, animals, objects and activities.

These talents coupled with his ability to predict storms and earthquakes, have been suponerles extrasensory perception.

Given this, we see the most important features of the senses possessed by horses:
The senses of horses:
The sense of sight in the horse's sense of smell in horses
The sense of hearing in the horse's sense of taste in horses
The sense of touch in horses
See also related to horses more links:
The World of Horses - The HorseWorld How do I get on the horse and me?
Horse trails Equipment Cleaning
Learning to ride The correct position of the rider
What should I wear? The winds of the horse
Team trip to a horse jumping
Field trips horses Photos
How saddled a horse?

In horses the reproductive stage begins with puberty, at 15 - 24 months in females and 14 to 18 months for males. During his lifetime reproductive cycle fulfill various functions such as development and puberty, courtship and mating, pregnancy and childbirth or abortion.

The estrous cycle depends on photoperiod as females polyestrous mares are seasonal. The estrous cycle lasts 21 days and the female stays in heat for a period of 5 days. Ovulation occurs between 12 and 36 hours after initiation of the heat.

Gestation lasts between 335 and 350 days.

At each of these stages the animals show differences in their behavior and physical state.

The Zeal:
The mare is a female poliestrous seasonal, ie, the mare go into heat (estrus cycles) in the long photoperiod, at dusk and later daylight hours are longer (spring).
During the reproductive period zeal is repeated every 21 days.
The mare has zeal for about 5 days.
Ovulation can occur between 12 and 36 hours into the heat.
Symptoms that indicate the presence of estrus in the mare:
Swelling and redness of the vulvar area.
* Discharge of mucus from the vulva.
* The mare accepts the stallion.
* Separate the hindquarters in male presence.
* Increase in urination incident.
The estrous female attracts males through pheromones in urine and vaginal discharges.
Males on the other hand perform a systematic and elegant courtship that incliye:

* Look at the female in heat so insistent.
* Neighs constantly prolonged and energetic
* Lift the ears
* Try to show greater body volume doubling his neck.
* Open your eyes excessively
* Dilates the nostrils
* March elegantly front of the female
* It is about facing the mare
* Sniffs the nostrils, ears, neck, armpits and groin of the mare
* Licks mare's hindquarters
* Licks and sniffs the genital area of ​​the mare, then stretch the neck and upper lip up showing her teeth (reflecting Flehmen).
* Hit the mare with his chest to reposition
* Nibbles horsehair gently rubs against her.
* The erection of the horse increases as the mare's vulva wink.
* The stallion even more excited when the female tail aside and let the free passage, as this means that the submission is complete, completely eliminating the fear of rejection.
Ensuring that horse's penis is in place during copulation. During erection the penis can reach a length of five feet, copulation is brief. After six or seven movements ejaculation occurs. Y may be evidenced by a movement of the tail up and down, or so-called pumping movement queue flag.

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